Sunday 6 January 2013

Three cups of tea

It was a pre-newsyears-resolution; make an illustration about every book I read. Or at least every good book I read. I just finished 'Three cups of Tea' by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. I loved the book. It's a story about this mountaineer (Mortenson) who fails to climb the K2 but is touched by the kindness of the people of Pakistan. And struck by the poverty and lack of education for the children (especially the girls). His promise to build one school in the tiny village of Korphe led to hundreds of schools in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. And it's a story about kindness and peace. After I finished the book I learned a few more things about the book, and the mountaineer/writer/ director of the foundation, Greg Mortenson. Firstly he received a ton of awards, but there also was a lawsuit against him and the foundation. Some controversy so to say. Well I still loved the book, it was an easy read and I learned loads about a region that we know so little of through the media or books. The book is also available in a children-version, I think it would be quite an exciting story for kids to read. The book is for sale on Marktplaats (one copy). Ofcourse Amazon sells it. But also for sale at Powells in the US or at Athenaeum bookstore in Amsterdam. Have a lovely evening, and for tomorrow a good monday.

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